Scientists Believe Something Unknown is the Cause
Unknown? Of course they don’t know what is causing it!
— Joe Clement / Doesn’t Believe in Science

For as long as humanity can remember, the moon has been a constant presence in the night sky. It is a peaceful and reassuring sight and a familiar friend that has always been there to watch over us. But a few weeks ago, something strange happened. The moon began to appear larger and closer in the sky, causing widespread panic and confusion in astrological circles.
Scientists around the world have been scrambling to investigate the cause of the moon’s sudden approach. They’ve been studying data, running simulations, and analyzing every possible variable they can think of. Days have passed since the original reports and the moon continues to approach at an alarming rate. People have begun feeling the effects of its proximity. Some coastal cities have experienced tidal waves, causing destruction and becoming increasingly unpredictable.
Amidst the chaos, a small team of scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery. Evidence of a previously unknown object just beyond our solar system, has been hiding in the darkness beyond the reach of our most advanced telescopes. The gravity of this object has been pulling on the moon, causing it to get closer and closer with each passing day.
Scientists have been working tirelessly to track the orbit and predict its trajectory, crunching numbers and analyzing data. Just before publication, reports indicated they finally determined the moon would begin to recede back into its regular orbit.
Even though this crisis has been temporarily averted, scientists still don’t know much about the mysterious object that they just discovered. When speaking to the spokesperson for Universal Gravitational Studies, there was an undeniable anxiety present. The hope is that they’ll be able to unravel the secrets of this unknown gravitational anomaly before it threatens our planet again.