Did His Obsession Kill Him?
John was a good guy. Unlike his other friends, I think it was the aliens that killed him.
— John’s Friend / Believes the Aliens Did Him In

John DiManlio had always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe. He loved to stargaze and was always on the lookout for signs of extraterrestrial life. One night, as he was standing on his balcony admiring the night sky, he saw something he had never seen before – a bright, pulsating light in the distance. John couldn’t believe his eyes. The light seemed to be moving closer, getting brighter and brighter by the second. He watched in awe as it flew over his head, then disappeared into the horizon. As the light faded from sight, John felt a sudden wave of exhaustion wash over him. He stumbled back inside and collapsed on his bed.
The next thing John knew, he was waking up in a hospital room. The doctors told him he had been in a coma for three years. He couldn’t believe it – three years had gone by in the blink of an eye. But even more unsettling was the fact that he had no memory of what had happened to him that fateful night.
As John slowly recovered, he began to have strange and vivid dreams. In his dreams, he saw creatures with long, slender bodies, who spoke to him in a language that he couldn’t understand. John thought he was losing his mind. The dreams he was having seemed so real. As years passed by, John never gave up searching for answers but his obsession drove most of his family and friends away. After nearly a decade, as he was sitting on his balcony, staring up at the stars, he blacked out once again. Only this time, John didn’t wake up.
Many of the people who knew John believed his obsession killed him, and questioned whether the cost he placed on uncovering the mysteries of the universe was worth it.