Launches an AI version of himself to Mars ahead of everyone else.
How did he build that thing out of spare car parts?
— Jerold Statsford / Mystified Engineer

This was no ordinary rocket ship and this is no ordinary mission. Elon Musk has created an AI version of himself, a digital copy of his consciousness that he had programmed to pilot the ship to Mars. It is a groundbreaking achievement, and he knew that he was about to make history earlier this year.
His AI consciousness is about to embark on a journey that no one has ever taken. He’s confident in his creation and knows it is up to the task. With a roar, a select few engineers and close friends watched the rocket ship lift off the ground, propelling Elon’s AI self into space. The journey to Mars will be long and arduous, but the AI version of Elon won’t waver. It will tirelessly pilot the ship, making course corrections and adjustments as needed.
After months of travel, it will reach Mars. As the red planet grows closer and closer, the rocket ship will land on the Martian surface, kicking up a cloud of dust and rocks that only a few people on Earth will be able to see.
When asked about his accomplishment, Elon talked about building the rocket ship out of spare Tesla parts. He’s beaten everyone else to the punch and has accomplished what many thought was impossible.
After the launch, he’s been contemplating building a colony on Mars, terraforming the planet, and making history. Musk has built something unimaginable, and he’s done it all with spare parts and his own ingenuity. He’s proven that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.